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Orphan Sunday

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…" James 1:27

This Sunday (4 November) churches around the world will take time to talk about the plight of orphans. This social injustice, children growing up in abject poverty without parents to look after them should break our hearts. The fact that 21% of all children (about 3.9 million) in South Africa have lost one or both of their parents. 34% of all children in SA live in households where no adults are employed, and 64% of children live in a household where the per capita income is less than R569 per month.

To think that there isn't a problem is just pure ignorance. The greater question is not, is there a problem? But rather, what can I do to be part of the solution? I believe everyone has a responsibility to be looking after these little ones. Whether you're Christian or not, we are all in this thing together and we all need to make changes to help.

But even more so if you are a Christian, you really can't escape Jesus' call to help the widows and orphans. Jesus spent a lot of time talking to the poor, healing the sick and correcting the social injustices of the day. And those same social injustices are still around, so what are we doing as the Church? Are we being Jesus to the people around us?

Me, personally? Not nearly enough. You? ...

But don't get despondant and think, "oh I'm not doing enough" and then lash yourself over the back. Rather change your attitude and become pro-active and look for somewhere to get involved. There are plenty of organisations who would appreciate whatever help you can give.

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