It feels a bit weird to call myself a director. I think once I’ve made a feature I’ll feel like a director, or gotten paid for something I’ve made. Right now I’m just a guy who made a film with his mates... One day.
But making a film is no easy business. Its been a slog for the last three or four months. Working late nights, early mornings, all weekend; going straight from work to edit the film, constantly brain-storming and solving problems. But now it’s done. We’ve finished our film. The credits are in and its going to be released to the world (well not yet to the world, just 600 people. But hopefully soon after that).
I was lank over it all as you could possibly have read from a previous blog post. But I had a conversation with the guy who edited the film called Tim Nel and he said to me, “I can’t wait for the next film. We’ve grown a lot and are going to make something even better”. And then I thought, “flip, I want to make another film. A better film. A film that rocks. A funny film called Alive Man."
And so it is that I’ve become amped about making film again. The start of an idea. That’s what I love. Maybe I’ll like the end product. But really for me the main enjoyment is coming up with a beautiful idea and then setting out to create it. After that its back-breaking work, but that’s ok. Some back-breaking and character-building is good for you.
Creativity, thou art a feared and adored mistress.
Connect with Michael-John
If you'd like to connect with me follow me on twitter at @MJPhillip , and on Google + by going through to my Google Plus page.
Connect with Michael-John
If you'd like to connect with me follow me on twitter at @MJPhillip , and on Google + by going through to my Google Plus page.
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